Friday, May 19, 2006

It's TGI/GFY Friday!!!

I aim to start a new feature on this blog: Thank Goodness It's/Go F*** Yourself Friday.

TG Al Gore is a household name who cares enough about global warming to tell us all about it.

Hey, James Dobson! GFY!

TG the news cycle moves faster now than it did in 1966. Maybe we'll get out of Iraq sooner than we did Vietnam, and with fewer casualties.

Hey, Paul Wolfowitz! GFY! And F Richard Perle while you're at it.

TG Katherine Harris is such an out-of-touch tool. Bill Nelson gets to keep his seat in January :-) Hey KH! GFY:-p

TG for new Ice Cube & Tool.

Cingular: if you shared my phone records with the NSA or the CIA, GFY. With a broom handle wrapped in sandpaper.

Don Rumsfeld, for being such an incompetent, never-wore-the-uniform TARD, GFY. And ask the Big Dick if he can help. All those retired generals who're sharpshooting you are doing it for a reason, asshole.

Hallelujah for Weezer. Put me in a FANTASTIC mood on the way to work this morning. The iced quad venti toffee nut latte helped too;-)

TG for Starbucks.

That's all for now.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Just spewing today, really.

Al Gore should have been President for the last five years. Sorry, Al.

George Bush and his administration have broken so many laws at this point in their run, they're starting to make Al Capone look like a law-abiding citizen.

I'm very over being tired all the time. No, really. I love my bed, and I never get to spend any time in it.

I still love my phone:-)

The more I read the news, the more I keep track of events, the more I wish I were in a position to run for a seat in Congress and win. Then I could call a spade a spade, and it wouldn't be a useless exercise. Right now, I feel like I could be a part of the blogosphere, get some readers, but what about all the Americans who don't have Internet access? Or don't have time to read/post to weblogs? Hell, don't even have the time/energy/motivation to read the newspaper and to find out the facts of what's actually going on? My father's gotta be one of those. Man's still spewing talk radio filth every time I talk to him about politics, and I know there're waaaaay too many people out there with exactly the same sort of shite in their heads. How do we reach them with good info? Especially when the MSM has lost them?

I don't know. I just know I work too damn much. My life needs more beer.